Oral Cancer Awareness

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s important to be aware of the symptoms of this disease. Oral cancer can affect the mouth or throat, and early detection is key to improving the prognosis.

Some common symptoms of oral cancer include:

~A sore in the mouth that doesn’t heal
~A lump or thickening in the cheek
~White or red patches on the gums, tongue, or lining of the mouth
~Difficulty swallowing or chewing
~Numbness in the tongue or other areas of the mouth
~Persistent earache

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon for an evaluation. Remember, early detection can save lives!

Oral cancer is a disease that affects the tissues of the mouth or throat.

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 54,010 new cases of oral cancer will be diagnosed in the United States in 2023, and 10,850 deaths are expected from this disease. Oral cancer is a serious disease that can have a significant impact on a person’s life. Because of this, with early detection and treatment, the prognosis can be improved. This is where oral and maxillofacial surgeons come in. They play an important role in diagnosing and treating oral cancer, and helping patients to get their smiles back.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are dental specialists who are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions related to the mouth, teeth, and facial regions. They are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer. This is why they are an essential part of the healthcare team for patients with this disease. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform biopsies, diagnose oral cancer, and develop a treatment plan that meets the individual needs of each patient.

One of the key roles of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in the diagnosis of oral cancer is performing a biopsy. A biopsy is a medical procedure in which a small piece of tissue is removed from the affected area for examination under a microscope. Biopsies are used to diagnose cancer, determine the stage of the disease, and guide the development of an appropriate treatment plan. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are skilled in performing biopsies of the mouth and throat, and they use the latest techniques and equipment to ensure accurate diagnosis.

After Diagnosis

Once a diagnosis of oral cancer is made, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon will work with the patient and their healthcare team to develop a treatment plan. The type of treatment depends on several factors. This includes the stage and location of the cancer, the patient’s overall health, and their personal preferences. Furthermore, treatment options for oral cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatments.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are experts in surgical procedures related to the mouth and facial regions. And this makes them an essential part of the healthcare team for patients with oral cancer. Surgery is often a key component of the treatment plan for oral cancer, as it allows for the removal of the cancerous tissue and can help to prevent the spread of the disease. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons use the latest surgical techniques and equipment to perform procedures such as tumor resection, reconstruction of the affected area, and removal of lymph nodes, if necessary.

In addition to treating oral cancer, oral and maxillofacial surgeons also play an important role in helping patients to get their smiles back. However, oral cancer may have a significant impact on a person’s appearance, and surgical treatment often results in changes to the mouth and facial regions. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are skilled in reconstructive procedures which help to restore a patient’s appearance and improve their quality of life.

Reconstructive surgery involves the use of dental implants, bone grafts, or tissue flaps to rebuild the affected area. Dental implants are artificial teeth that are surgically placed into the jawbone, providing a permanent replacement for missing teeth. Bone grafts involve taking bone tissue from another part of the body or using synthetic materials to rebuild the jawbone. Tissue flaps involve taking tissue from another part of the body, such as the thigh or abdomen, and using it to reconstruct the affected area of the mouth or throat.

Our dedicated team at By Design Dental works with many oral cancer patients to help restore their smiles.  Contact us for a consultation.

Cheap Dental Implants are Not Worth It

Dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth, but they are also a significant investment in both time and money. Because of this, it is important to ensure that you are receiving the best care possible from qualified specialists. Why are cheap dental implants not worth it? Unfortunately, cheap implant advertisements often come with a catch, and it is essential to be cautious when considering these offers.

First, let’s define the difference between a general dentist and a qualified specialist. A general dentist is a primary care provider who is trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of dental issues. They are competent in performing routine procedures such as cleanings, fillings, and extractions. A qualified specialist, on the other hand, has undergone additional education and training in a specific area of dentistry. For dental implants, this would be an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or a prosthodontist.

So, why is it important to see a Prosthodontist or an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon for dental implants?
There are several reasons.

First and foremost, dental implants require a high level of skill and precision. The success of the implant depends on the precise placement in the jawbone and the proper integration with the surrounding bone tissue. A qualified specialist has the necessary training and experience to accurately assess the suitability of the patient for implants. Oral surgeons and Prosthodontists are experts at properly placing the implant for optimal success.

In contrast, a general dentist may not have the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to properly place dental implants. This can lead to complications such as implant failure, infection, and the need for additional procedures to fix problems that arose from improper placement.

Another reason to see a Prosthodontist or Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon for dental implants is the time commitment involved. The dental implant process can take several months to complete, and it requires multiple appointments and procedures. A qualified specialist has the expertise to efficiently manage the treatment plan and minimize the overall time and discomfort for the patient.

On the other hand, a general dentist may not have the experience and training to handle the complexities of the implant process. This may lead to delays and a less favorable outcome for the patient.

Choose a Prosthodontist or an Oral Surgeon for Dental Implants.

Many people choose a Prosthodontist and an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon because of their advanced education and training, efficiency, and expertise with advanced technology. Prosthodontists and Oral Surgeons are extensively trained in state-of-the-art techniques and procedures. Patients seeking dentists who are focused on detail and perfection to regain an esthetic and functional dentition often seek prosthodontists for treatment. Rigorous training and experience give prosthodontists a special understanding of the dynamics of a smile and the preservation of a healthy mouth.

It is also essential to consider the long-term success and maintenance of dental implants. A qualified specialist has the expertise to properly care for and maintain the implants to ensure they last for many years. In contrast, a general dentist may not have the necessary knowledge and training to provide the necessary care and follow-up to ensure the long-term success of the implants.

Now, let’s find out why cheap Dental Implants are not worth it.

We should address the issue of cheap implant advertisements. It is essential to be cautious when considering these offers as they often come with a catch. In many cases, these advertisements are offering low-quality implants or using inexperienced practitioners to cut costs.

Cheap implants may be made of inferior materials that are more prone to failure or complications. They may also be poorly designed, leading to a less stable and natural-looking result. In the long run, these cheap implants may end up costing more in the form of additional procedures or the need to replace the implants altogether.

In addition to the potential for low-quality implants, cheap implant advertisements may also use practitioners who are not qualified specialists. As mentioned earlier, the success of the implant depends on the precise placement in the jawbone, requiring specialized training and experience.

It is essential to do your research and carefully consider the qualifications and experience of the practitioner offering cheap implant advertisements. In many cases, it may be more cost-effective in the long run to pay a little more for a qualified specialist.  They will provide you the best care and ensure the long-term success of your dental implants.
We hope you can see now why cheap dental implants are not worth It.

By Design Dental is a Dental Implant Center with our own in-house Lab.

Most practices outsource their work to commercial dental laboratories that deal with hundreds of other dental offices. Often these commercial dental labs are out of state, and sometimes even out of the country, resulting in limited communication between the doctors and the technicians. Unlike these practices, By Design Dental Implant Center houses a state-of-the-art, fully functioning dental laboratory. It is staffed full time by a certified dental technician who works exclusively for By Design Dental patients.

In conclusion, it is essential to see a qualified specialist when it comes to dental implants. The success and long-term maintenance of the implants depend on the skill and expertise of the practitioner. Meet our experienced team at By Design Dental and learn how you can finally have the smile you have dreamed about.

Contact us to book a consultation.

Vitamin D and Dental Implants

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in the health of our teeth and bones. It helps our bodies absorb calcium, which is essential for strong, healthy teeth. However, many people are deficient in vitamin D, which can lead to a variety of health problems, including tooth loss.

One way to ensure that you are getting enough vitamin D is by taking supplements. There are several benefits to taking vitamin D supplements, especially when you are healing after a dental implant procedure.

How Vitamin D helps with Dental Implant Success

First, vitamin D helps to strengthen the bones in your jaw, which are necessary for supporting dental implants. Dental implants are essentially artificial teeth that are surgically implanted into the jawbone. In order for the implants to be successful, the jawbone must be strong enough to support them.

Second, vitamin D may help to prevent tooth loss. Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including periodontal disease, tooth decay, and trauma. Vitamin D helps to strengthen the bones in your jaw, which can help to prevent tooth loss. It may also help to reduce the risk of periodontal disease, a common cause of tooth loss.

Third, vitamin D can improve the overall health of your teeth. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, which is essential for strong, healthy teeth. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the gums, which can help to prevent gum disease. Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss, and vitamin D may help to prevent it.

Fourth, vitamin D can improve the success rate of dental implants. Dental implants have a high success rate, but there are a few factors that can affect their success. One of these factors is the health of the jawbone. Vitamin D helps to strengthen the jawbone, which can increase the success rate of dental implants.

Fifth, vitamin D can improve the overall health of your mouth. Vitamin D helps to reduce inflammation in the gums and may help to prevent gum disease. It also helps to strengthen the teeth, which can reduce the risk of tooth loss. By improving the overall health of your mouth, vitamin D can help to maintain the health of your dental implants.

In conclusion, Vitamin D supplements can offer numerous benefits in regards to dental implants. They can help to strengthen the jawbone, prevent tooth loss, improve the overall health of your teeth, increase the success rate of dental implants, and improve the overall health of your mouth. If you are considering dental implants, it may be worth considering taking vitamin D supplements to ensure that you are getting enough of this essential nutrient.

Contact By Design Dental in Montgomery County, PA to learn more about Dental Implants and the role Vitamin D plays in helping your dental implant procedure.

Call 484-231-1177

*Before taking supplements, please contact your physician.

Comparing Dental Implant Systems for Tooth Replacement 

Finding the Best Solution for Missing Teeth 

It’s human nature to improve our lives by bettering ourselves, and one of the simplest and yet most powerful ways to do so is to increase your self-esteem. With more confidence, men and women have a greater freedom to pursue their goals and can more fully and naturally relax in social recreative pastimes, such as spending time with family, going out to restaurants, or taking selfies with friends during a vacation. 

If you have missing or broken teeth, you know how it negatively affects these pursuits and activities, leading to greater stress in the short term (with every smile) and the long term (as this effect compounds and shapes lifestyle choices). Dental implants can clear away this stress with the rapidity of waking up from a bad dream, and unlike many other self-improvement options that require large amounts of striving and soul-searching, dental implants supply lasting self-esteem with a single decision and easy process. 

If you’re set to make a big positive change in your life with dental implants, it only remains to be asked, what type of implant should you choose? To make your transition to a de-stressed life easier, this article will demonstrate the pros and cons of major replacement options and lay out which replacement option is best for you. All you’ll have to do is choose a provider and show up for the procedure. 

Comparing the Major Dental Implant Systems 

Immediate Load Dental Implants 

Immediate load dental implants were developed to satisfy an increased demand for fast treatment and shorter downtime. The key feature of immediate load implants is a very small timeframe between the placement of the implant and the placement of a replacement tooth. They therefore offer the advantage of expediency to patients. 

But there are drawbacks. Immediate load implants are only possible if the implant is determined to be stable enough immediately after being placed, which is less likely for patients who require larger implants or who have more extensive bone material lossIf the doctor does go forward with the procedure, to ensure continued stability, patient diets are highly restricted for months after surgery until healing is complete, and failure to follow restrictions could cause the implants to fail, meaning the procedure was a waste. 

Even if the treatment is successful, immediate load implants carry a greater risk for early failure compared to other implants, so you may have to go through the whole procedure over again after a number of years. If you do choose immediate load implants, you’ll want to make sure you choose a trusted provider, as their sensitive nature requires advanced knowledge and care for success. 

Mini Dental Implants (MDIs) 

Mini dental implants are exactly what they sound like: implants that are smaller than traditional implants. About the size of a toothpick, they’re used for individuals who want to minimize surgery, don’t have the bone mass in their jaw to support larger implants, or want to avoid the expense of bone grafts. 

Their small size comes at a price, however. Many dentists believe that the implants will not last as long as traditional implants, and failure rates have been shown to be as high as 13 percent.1 They also have a lower tolerance for stress from biting, which makes them more likely to bend or break. This relative weakness also means they’re not recommended for teeth grinders, as grinding may wear them down, making them an option that requires a lot of consideration for buyers. 

The All-On-4® Procedure  

The All-on-4® Procedure uses four implants as a base for a full arch of teeth, instead of individual implants for each tooth. After the procedure, patients are provided with a fully functional, temporary set of teeth until the tissues heal, at which point the permanent replacement teeth will be placed. 

Like mini dental implants, they require a smaller number of implants and work well for people who don’t have enough bone mass in their jaw to support a traditional implant. There is also no need for bone grafting during the procedureHowever, unlike mini dental implants, All-on-4® implants have a longer shelf life than traditional implants; the titanium implants integrate with the jawbone and are designed to last a lifetime. 

The All-on-4® Procedure is also perfect for people who want to complete their tooth restorations quickly and avoid multiple surgeries, as the small number of implants allows the process to be complete in just one procedure without fear of needing replacements down the line. 

Which is the Best Tooth Replacement Option? 

Although immediate load dental implants can be completed in a single day, and mini dental implants can work for people with less bone mass, many dentists consider the All-On-4® Procedure the best option in both the short and long term. All-On-4® replacements have a higher stress tolerance compared to mini dental implants, and they work just as well for people with low jawbone mass. 

Meanwhile, the sensitive nature of immediate load implants means that a doctor may determine that the implants are not actually secure enough to place replacements the same day, while an All-On-4® Procedure guarantees that the patient will walk out of surgery with a new set of temporary replacement teeth and receive their permanent teeth with no additional surgeries. 

Add to these factors that the All-On-4® replacements are designed to last a lifetime, and it’s clear that this procedure has greater benefits and fewer risks and works as well for candidates with special needs. It makes sense then that the widely accepted superior option is the All-On-4® Procedure. 

Where to Go from Here for Your Dental Implant System 

You know that dental implants can change your life and now you have an idea of which dental option should work best for you. All you have to do is choose a provider. And since dental implants can and should last a lifetime, you need to choose the best provider available to you. 

By Design Dental Implant Center is a trusted dental implant provider. They offer a worry-free experience with best-in-class technology for precise procedures and doctors recognized within the industry for setting new standards. If you’d like more information or you’re ready to take the first steps toward a new and improved smileschedule a consultation today. 


  1. Major Problems with Mini Dental Implants

Healthy Gums

What are the 25 best foods to eat for healthy gums?

When it comes to healthy gums, it’s critical that you have a proper diet, to support a clean and healthy gum line. While teeth are critically important to your overall oral health, it also is important to have healthy gums.

1. Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds help to remove things from your mouth (like food), and they also help with plaque. As an added bonus, they also help to re-mineralize your enamel. As a third feature, sesame seeds are also high in calcium, which helps with bone density throughout your body (and mouth). Though they may be small, sesame seeds are a great food to start with, if you are looking to have healthier gums.

2. Yogurt
Yogurt is a great food to assist with healthy bones. It also provides many different benefits for your gums. One of the biggest benefits is the probiotic content of yogurt, which research seems to show, actually works against the cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth. By eating foods rich with probiotic content, you can help fight against cavities and plaque – even as you eat! Though no specific amount is certain to be best, a little bit of yogurt in your daily diet will help combat a wide variety of health concerns.

3. Whole Grains
Whole grains are lower in sugar than many foods, and as such, are a valuable option to help fight against gum disease. This is because research has shown that high blood sugar levels, as well as diabetes, are important risk factors for periodontal disease. Whole grains also assist with your ability to deal with blood sugar issues, and the fiber in whole grains helps you stay full. One study of over 30,000 people showed that over 10 years, the participants who ate three servings of whole grains each day, decreased their risk of poor gum health by over 20%.

4. Pears
Pears offer a somewhat unique benefit in helping to keep gums healthy – they neutralize acid. Why is this critically important? because acid causes enamel to wear away, and this then leads to cavities.

5. Carrots
Carrots help to increase production of saliva, which aids in clearing bacteria off of your teeth. Carrots also provide other benefits, like being high in fiber, and being very high in vitamin A. Your gums benefit from the increased saliva production, and also benefit from the multiple vitamins which carrots provide.

6. Gum
Gum is a great way to stimulate saliva production, as well as being a great way to get bacteria off of your teeth. Always opt for sugar free gum, as regular gum contains large amounts of sugar, which can result in cavities.

7. Raisins

Somewhat surprisingly, raisins are very good for your gum health. Traditionally, they have been thought of as a bad choice for oral health, as they are very high in sugar. Raisins are optimal for oral health and gums because they contain antioxidants and phytochemicals, which help prevent the growth of bacteria inside your mouth. The caveat here, is consuming raisins which contain no added sugar.

8. Onions
Onions are a fantastic food to consume for better gum health. Onions help to neutralize the many different types of bacteria found within your mouth. Even better than that, onions have unique microbial properties, which target the specific bacteria that causes gum disease, as well as cavities.

9. Apples
Apples can cause gum pain if eaten incorrectly, but they also provide plenty of nutrients and vitamins. Try cutting your apple into smaller pieces, or blending it, to lessen the risk of any gum pain when eating.

10. Kiwis
Vitamin C is critical for building and maintaining healthy gums, and kiwis have one of the largest amounts of vitamin C in any fruit. Though they are a little bit harder to find, their flavor and nutritional profile makes them well worth the extra effort.

11. Coffee
Coffee with sugar and creamer is not ideal here – go for the black. Coffee has been shown to have some beneficial elements in terms of protecting your gums and teeth.

12. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are rich with a wide variety of nutrients, chief among them – vitamin A. Providing almost 400% of your daily value for vitamin A, one sweet potato also provides vitamin B6, iron, vitamin C, and much more. These vitamins and minerals are all critical for healthy gums.

13. Nuts
Nuts provide a wide variety of nutrients, but they specifically contain phosphorous and calcium – two of the most critical elements for optimal gum health. Brazil nuts, almonds, and cashews are three of the best nuts to consume on a regular basis, as they also actively fight against bacteria and decay.

14. Fish
Fish are loaded with many nutrients and minerals, especially if they are wild-caught. Besides the huge boost of omega-3s, fish provide vitamin D, as well as protein. All of these are crucial for healthy gums.

15. Garlic
Garlic is a great food for healthy gums, as it provides allicin – an organosulfur compound high in antimicrobial properties. This means that garlic actively fights against bacteria in your mouth, as well as tooth decay.

16. Water
Water is by far one of the easiest choices to make, when it comes to having healthy gums. Not only is water critical for nearly every human function, it is a great help in washing away sugar, bacteria, and food from your gums. Drink at least 64 ounces of water, every day. It is also always best to drink out of a stainless steel water bottle, as these types of bottles will not allow harmful bacteria to grow.

17. Oranges
Oranges are one of the best foods to eat, for healthy gums. They are loaded with beneficial antioxidants, and vitamins. Oranges offer a large amount of vitamin C, which is critical for gum health.

18. Ginger
Ginger is a great spice to consume, when it comes to having healthy gums. Not only does it have potent anti-inflammatory effects, it also offers natural protection against gingivitis.

19. Soy
Soy offers many different health benefits, but some studies show that it may help with healthy gums, and specifically may help in preventing periodontal disease. Soy also contains arginine, which is a very important amino acid in helping to prevent plaque and cavities.

20. Red Wine
Surprisingly, red wine may help with healthy gums. Multiple scientific studies seem to support the idea that the antioxidants found in red wine are beneficial, in fighting against oral bacteria.

21. Black And Green Tea
Black and green tea are great for healthy gums, and they also provide numerous other benefits. Some of these benefits include increased fat loss, a better metabolism, lowered disease risk, and better cognitive functioning.

22. Cranberries
Cranberries are great for you gum health, as they have a unique ability to get bacteria to avoid sticking to surfaces. This ability works wonders, as far as not letting as much bacteria stick to your teeth. This ability has been well-researched, and continues to intrigue numerous scientists. Since bad bacteria (or biofilms) cause more than 70% of all human bacterial infections, consuming foods which allow less sticking of bacteria, is an excellent overall health strategy.

23. Leafy Greens
Leafy greens are single-handedly one of the best foods you can be eating, as they provide a whole spectrum of beneficial nutrients, phytonutrients, and bioactive compounds. However, when it comes to gums, leafy greens are especially great, as they provide calcium – a great building block for your gum’s health. Some of the best leafy greens to consume on a regular basis, are kale and spinach.

24. Strawberries
Strawberries offer vitamin C, which helps with a variety of processes in the body. However, most interestingly, strawberries are great for your gums, because the vitamin C found in them is a critical element in building collagen. Collagen is an essential protein for keeping your gums strong and healthy.

25. Shiitake Mushrooms
Shiitake mushrooms have shown promise in some scientific research, as a food that helps regulate and less plaque. This is because they offer nutrients which actively work against the bacteria found in our mouths.

How Can I Avoid Problems With My Teeth?

Taking care of one’s teeth is truly a lifelong journey. It starts by brushing regularly. 2-3 times a day is ideal, and the ADA (American Dental Association) also recommends using a toothpaste with fluoride. Here are some of the toothpastes we recommend. Brushing is also key because it helps eliminate plaque and food, which creates a sticky white residue on your teeth, and contains large amounts of bacteria.

When it comes to choosing a toothbrush, there are many different choices. Some of our patients prefer electric toothbrushes, others do not.

Another key step in maintaining optimal dental health, is flossing regularly. It is best to buy floss in bulk, if you are looking to not only save money, but to never be without it, so you can always have fresh and clean teeth. There are a number of great flossing options on the market, and in fact there is very little difference between most varieties.

We also recommend daily use of a mouthwash, usually after every brushing. This is – in our opinion – the best mouthwash on the market. Eating a diet low in sugar, and high in nutrients, is also critical in maintaining good dental health. Be sure to also drink plenty of water, and cut out beverages which can cause harm to the enamel of your teeth, like soda (even diet).

All of these practices can help you maintain healthy gums throughout your life.  Avoiding gum disease and other diseases by eating healthy foods is just one way to avoid tooth loss.  Contact By Design Dental for a free consultation if you have questions about dental implants.

Why smoking may put your dental implants at risk

For most people, the adverse effects of smoking are well known. People who smoke suffer from an increased risk of health complications, including lung cancer and heart disease. In addition, smoking may lead to the failure of dental implants. With today’s blog, your implant dentists in King of Prussia discuss why smoking may put your dental implants at risk when receiving tooth replacements.

The Effects of Smoking on Your Dental Health
When you smoke, you hinder both the appearance and the health of your smile. Patients may develop bad breath and teeth stains from frequent smoking. Over time, smoking may lead to the onset of gum disease, oral cancer, and even the loss of jawbone tissue. Quitting smoking can protect the beauty, health, and stability of your smile.

Smoking and Dental Implants
The integrity of your dental implant depends on the ability of the implant post to bond with the surrounding bone tissue. Also known as osseointegration, this process keeps your implants sturdy and long lasting. When you smoke, you expose your gum tissue to nicotine, hydrogen cyanide, and carbon monoxide. These toxic chemicals interfere with the healing process following the placement of the titanium implant post. As a result, your implant may fail.

Regular smoking also dramatically increases your chances of developing periodontal disease. Gum disease can dissolve the connective tissue between your teeth and gums. This often causes loosened teeth and, without treatment, tooth loss. Since your implant depends on the strength of these same connective tissues, your restoration can fail.

Finally, smoking can lead to bone loss. Losing bone tissue means a bone graft may be necessary to place an implant. Unfortunately, the compromised healing abilities of your bone tissue as a result of smoking may prevent the procedure from working, once again standing between you and a restored smile.

For all of these reasons, you now may understand Why smoking may put your dental implants at risk.

Smoking Is Not Alone

Not everyone is a good candidate for dental implant procedures. There are a few conditions that can disqualify patients from receiving this treatment. To learn more about dental implants and problems with patient candidacy, click here.

Schedule a Visit with Your Philadelphia Implant Dentists
For a patient with one or more missing teeth, dental implants can improve the health and appearance of your smile. Interested in learning more about the implant process? Then schedule a free dental consultation and X-ray today by calling your Philadelphia implant dentists at 484-231-1177. At By Design Dental, we provide affordable and convenient dental implants, employing the latest in implant technology to restore your smile to full function and appearance. We look forward to seeing you soon at our office located at The Atrium, 234 Mall Blvd., Suite 180, King of Prussia, PA 19406.

Convenient and Affordable Implant Tooth Replacement by Philadelphia Implant Dentists

More Natural Looking Dental Implants

Recent research shows that 69% of adults over the age of 35 are missing at least one permanent tooth. As we age, the risk of further tooth loss only increases. By age 74, nearly 26% of American adults are missing all of their natural teeth. A variety of causes can lead to tooth loss, including trauma, tooth decay, and even gum disease. Fortunately, if you have one or more missing teeth, your smile can still be restored to its former beauty. At By Design Dental we provide breakthrough dental implants with Convenient and Affordable Implant Tooth Replacement by Philadelphia Implant Dentists. In today’s blog, we discuss the advantages of dental implants for restoring smiles.

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants usually contain three parts that include the fixture (or implant), the abutment, and the crown. The fixture is comparable to a small titanium wood screw and is placed into the jawbone. It replaces the root of a natural tooth.

Once the fixture is secured in the bone, a second component called an abutment is attached to the implant. The abutment is designed to attach the teeth, and keep them permanently in place. The abutment attaches to the fixture and crowns attach to the abutment. When everything is in place it looks and feels just like your natural teeth.

Convenient, Natural Looking Restorations

At By Design Dental, we provide Convenient and Affordable Implant Tooth Replacement by Philadelphia Implant Dentists. We don’t want your budget or hectic schedule to prevent you from restoring your smile. In addition to offering convenient financing options, By Design Dental is one of the few practices that can complete every step of the implant process in-house. Instead of relying on other facilities or offsite labs, we employ a team of an oral surgeon, a prosthodontist, and an in-house dental laboratory, all under one roof. In most cases, this allows patients to receive their new restorations in a single visit.

Our team works hard to ensure your restorations look and function like natural teeth. This is why we use biocompatible materials like titanium implant fixtures. Titanium allows the fixtures to bond with bone tissue. The materials used to create the teeth added to the top of the implants mimics the translucent qualities of enamel. As a result, your new implants have the ability to blend seamlessly with your smile.

Schedule a Visit with Your Philadelphia Implant Dentists

Interested in improving the health and beauty of your smile? Schedule a free consultation and a low dose panoramic X-ray today by calling 484-231-1177. At By Design Dental, we provide affordable and convenient dental implants, employing the latest in implant technology to restore your smile to full function and appearance. We look forward to seeing you soon at our office located at The Atrium, 234 Mall Blvd., Suite 180, King of Prussia, PA 19406.

Philadelphia Implant Dentists Discuss Common Problems with Patient Candidacy

Philadelphia Implant Dentists Discuss Common Problems with Patient Candidacy

If you’ve ever read our blog, visited our website or performed any online research into solutions for missing teeth, then you’ve probably heard that dental implants have become the gold standard for tooth replacement. Their innovative design mimics the structure of a natural tooth and provides years of exceptional aesthetics and functionality. However, your research has probably also shown you that not everyone qualifies for dental implant placement. Today, your Philadelphia dental implant experts at By Design Dental discuss a couple of the most common obstacles that might prevent you from qualifying for this procedure, and provide some simple solutions to these problems.

Problem 1: Tobacco Use
Most implant dentists will not approve the procedure for patients who smoke or use chewing tobacco regularly. The chemicals contained in tobacco products–specifically nicotine, hydrogen cyanide, and carbon monoxide–interfere with the body’s ability to heal properly and deliver adequate amounts of blood to the jawbone. Smoking dramatically increases the chances of dental implant failure. Therefore, most implant dentists simply won’t perform the procedure on patients who use tobacco.

Solution: Of course, if a patient can quit smoking or using other tobacco products, he or she may be considered for dental implants.

Problem 2: Poor Oral Hygiene
Poor oral hygiene, which leads to severe gum disease and tooth decay, is one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss in the U.S. Although dental implant-secured dentures and crowns are impervious to decay, the area around the implant can still succumb to a variation of gum disease called peri-implantitis (literally, an infection of the tissue surrounding an implant). If a person has consistently poor oral hygiene, he or she may not qualify for dental implants due to the heightened risk for implant failure.

Solution: An acceptable level of oral health is essential to qualifying for dental implants and, with some dedication, this can be attained by most people. Demonstrating a commitment to maintaining an at-home hygiene routine and receiving regular preventive dental care can help most people qualify for implants.

Schedule a Visit with Your Philadelphia Implant Dentist
If you have any further questions regarding the maintenance and care of your dental implants, contact your Philadelphia implant dentists today. Schedule a free thorough consultation by calling 484-231-1177. At By Design Dental, we provide affordable and convenient dental implants, employing the latest in implant technology to restore your smile to full function and appearance. Our Philadelphia Implant Dentists can Discuss more Common Problems with Patient Candidacy when you schedule a consultation.

We look forward to seeing you soon at our office located at The Atrium, 234 Mall Blvd., Suite 180, King of Prussia, PA 19406.

Teeth Whitening with Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed

In partnership with Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed, By Design Dental Implant Center now offers in-office teeth whitening services. First-time and existing clients of By Design Dental are encouraged to ask our dental professionals about scheduling a Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed session, which is proven to transform smiles up to eight shades whiter in just 45 minutes.

Two of the most common questions about Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed are: is it safe? And, are my teeth too sensitive for whitening? Here’s what you need to know about Teeth Whitening with Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed.

Safe & Effective Method

Clinical studies have shown that using carbamide or hydrogen peroxide under the supervision of a dental professional is safe for both your teeth and your gums. Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed gels are formulated to actually aid with enamel protection throughout the whitening progression, while also helping remove difficult and stubborn stains.

Fast & Easy Outcomes

This innovative remedy will help you safely achieve a brighter smile in much less time than traditional whitening methods, making it perfect for anyone needing a quick whitening solution. Teeth Whitening with Philip Zoom WhiteSpeed  sessions also make a great gift around the holidays, as well as for the upcoming spring season that often brims with graduations, weddings, vacations and other special occasions.

Professionally Guided Session

In addition to its effective and fast outcomes, Philip Zoom WhiteSpeed is further enhanced by being administered by the dental professionals you know and trust at By Design Dental Implant Center. Our highly skilled and professional team will facilitate your entire session, helping you achieve and maintain a bright and beautiful smile with ease.

Getting Started

And beyond all that, the best news is getting started is easy. You can easily obtain the safest, most effective, healthiest option when it comes to teeth whitening by scheduling a free consultation with our team to learn about the step-by-step process. Contact us today.


Best Electric Toothbrushes

Are Electric Toothbrushes Better?

The main question many consumers still have – years after the invention of the electric toothbrush – is are electric toothbrushes even better than a traditional toothbrush? The answer is somewhat complex, but can also be distilled down into an easy yes or no. And the answer, in brief, is yes.

The traditional thinking was that the best electric toothbrush would not provide better hygiene than a traditional toothbrush as long as you brushed your teeth thoroughly twice per day, for two minutes at each session.

However, new research has shown that the best electric toothbrushes actually beat the traditional brushes. The studies concluded that the best electric toothbrushes got rid of 20% more plaque, and 10% more of gum inflammation when used for over 2 months continuously.

While 10% more gum inflammation being removed may not seem like a big deal, removing 20% more plaque than a traditional toothbrush certainly is! This is the #1 reason why an electric toothbrush is a far superior choice to the traditional models. We also like that the brushing speed is much, much faster. We have found that this makes our teeth feel cleaner, even if there is no scientific evidence to back this observation up.

These days it is very hard to tell what the best electric toothbrush on the market is. There are so many different options, it can make choosing the best product a huge challenge for the average consumer. That’s why we have distilled down our top 10 picks for the best electric toothbrush on the market today:

#1 – Philips Sonicare 2 Series

The Philips Sonicare 2 is one of the less expensive models in the Sonicare series. This makes it our top pick, as it is priced at a level where any consumer should easily be able to afford it.

#2 – Oral-B Pro 1000

The Oral-B Pro 1000 is also an excellent choice for the best electric toothbrush because it is priced at a reasonable level, making it affordable for most consumers. Even though the price is a bit lower, this brush does not skimp on features. It has everything you are probably seeking in an electric toothbrush and has excellent online reviews.

#3 – Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected

While a little bit pricier, this brush has many interesting and amazing features like the ability to connect to an app that maps out your entire mouth and keeps track of whether or not you are brushing every part or not. This futuristic feature may one day become standard, and if you don’t mind spending a little bit above the minimum buy-in for an electric toothbrush, this is one of our top choices.

#4 – Greater Goods’s Sonic Electric Toothbrush

We love this brush because it is the most affordable model on the market that we still recommend. However, you definitely will not be getting every feature that you would normally get, with even the most modestly priced electric toothbrush models.

#5 – Oral-B Pro 3000 3D White Smart Series

This toothbrush is a very high seller, and with great reason. It offers many semi-advanced features for a very affordable price. With over 500 reviews on Amazon alone, this brush has also earned the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance. Of the many Bluetooth models of electric toothbrushes out there, this brush is also the most affordable.

#6 – Waterpik Sensonic Professional Toothbrush (SR-3000)

This Waterpik model is a great choice, both in an assortment of features and affordability. It offers an advanced cleaning mode, and a very fast speed, for the brush head. One of our personal favorites.

#7 – Dazzlepro Advanced Sonic

This brush is competitively priced and even offers an extra ‘sensitive’ cleaning mode. While the brand is a little less well-known, we found this brush to be competitively priced, and very easy to use. We especially like the sensitive cleaning mode, as this is a completely unique feature to this toothbrush alone.

#8 – Philips Sonicare 3 Series

With over 1,000 customer reviews on Amazon alone, this model is a very well-known electric toothbrush, and it offers nearly any feature you could ever want or need. It is also very reasonably priced, making this a solid choice for any consumer looking to find the best electric toothbrush on the market, without spending a fortune.

#9 – Oral-B Black 7000

With over 3,000 customer reviews on Amazon alone, this is by far one of the most popular electric toothbrushes on the market. It has luxury features (like six different brushing modes) but is still affordably priced. The app for brushing is also very useful, and there is very little left to want if you make this purchase.

#10 – Philips Sonicare DiamondClean

With over 3,500 customer reviews on Amazon, this brush is definitely one of the most frequently purchased. It falls near the bottom of our list because it is priced a little bit higher than most consumers want to spend on an electric toothbrush. However, if you don’t mind spending a little bit more upfront, there are many long term features that make this brush worthwhile.

What To Look For When Buying An Electric Toothbrush

There are many different features that consumers should look for in terms of choosing a toothbrush. However, when looking for the absolute best electric toothbrush, there is a myriad list of additional features that are offered, though not all of them will be ones you will likely want to pay extra for.

Plaque removal is by far one of the top features to look for when choosing a toothbrush, but it is not the only factor to consider. Most dental issues stem from the bacteria in plaque not being taken care of properly, and an electric toothbrush will definitely do this job of plaque removal well. If plaque isn’t removed, it turns into tartar, and from there, things only get worse. If things get worse from here, gingivitis (gum disease, or periodontal disease) can start to occur. This is reversible, but if not corrected, gingivitis is one of the early stages of what eventually turns into the process of tooth loss.

If you are truly looking for the best electric toothbrush on the market, you will want to look for some more advanced features, which regular toothbrushes do not offer. This means features like:

  • Speed of the brush (an electric toothbrush can clean hundreds of times faster than your own hand can)
  • Power source
  • Cleaning method
  • Pressure sensor
  • Timer
  • Replacement toothbrush head costs
  • App compatibility

There are even some interesting newer models that move beyond these features, but they are definitely not for the average consumer. So if you want to spend the extra money, there are certainly cool new features like unique app connectivity, charts, graphs, sensors, and different brush mode settings.

If any of these seem superfluous that’s because they pretty much are. We imagine that in the future there will be hands-free electric toothbrushes on the market or even more futuristic options, but until then, the options remain fairly constrained.

How Much Should I Spend On An Electric Toothbrush?

While it is very easy to start spending quite a bit of money on what you may think is the best electric toothbrush, the truth is that the only truly essential feature is a two-minute timer, which will help ensure you brush your teeth for long enough. Everything after that mostly qualifies as a ‘nice to have’ feature, but not a necessity.

While there are a variety of features that one can spend money on, the truth is that the replacement toothbrush head cost is one of the most important factors to consider when buying an electric toothbrush as it will end up saving you the most money in the long term. While there are many exciting new features on the market today, there is still going to be time until any true breakthroughs come in electric toothbrushes. So far, there have not been any truly standout features that make anyone run out and buy an electric toothbrush unless they happen to already be looking for one, but in due time there will be!

Another important factor to look for when deciding what to spend is how often the battery needs to be recharged, and how long each charge lasts for. One week is about the average length of time that most electric toothbrushes last on one full charge. Buying an electric toothbrush that lasts less than this amount of time would not be advisable as you will constantly have to be charging it. You would not buy a cell phone with poor battery life, so why buy an electric toothbrush with one either?

The average consumer usually spends around $50-100 on an electric toothbrush, but this is a very low amount since buying traditional toothbrushes for the rest of your life will likely cost far more than this. Our recommendation is to get the best electric toothbrush you can afford that still stays within your budget.